Sensitivity to alcohol varies with each individual. Studies have shown that as we age our sensitivity to alcohol increases. This is why many see a change in their alcohol sensitivity after years of alcohol drinking, they are aging. The affects of alcohol vary with each individual, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism it is common that regardless to years drinking as we age we will see a change in the way alcohol effects us. Many individuals at a young age will not see themselves as having an alcohol problem, as they age and the affects increase it becomes clear that they are suffering from an alcohol abuse problem and may require treatment to assist in getting sober.
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How Alcohol Works
When consuming alcohol within 30 minutes to 2 hours the blood begins to absorb it from the stomach and small intestine. This is when we begin to experience the effects of alcohol. They way these affects are created is when the alcohol reaches the brain where the brain releases endorphins that give the feeling of euphoria. As the alcohol runs through the body it is then broken down by the liver and eliminated in 12 to 24 hours depending on the amount of alcohol consumed.
The Effects of Alcohol
While the short term affects of alcohol can make you feel invincible and experience pleasure it also distorts your depth perception, your decision making skills are effected, motor skills lessened, you may even experience anger or extreme emotional sensitivity. The affects of alcohol vary with each individual. Long term use of alcohol can not only give you the good feelings and the bad feels but it can create serious health issues. Alcohol effects nearly every organ in the body as it is passed through. Commonly individuals with a drinking problem will have liver damage, possible damage to there heart, brain and kidneys.