If you find yourself dependent on drugs and/or alcohol, you are in the same position as millions of other people. Although it may be difficult to believe, many have overcome this in the past and are now living a better life.
Substance abuse disorders are treatable. It may not feel like it while you are faced with this problem and dealing with all the signs and symptoms of addiction. However, as you learn more about treatment and recovery you will soon realize that putting yourself on the right path is possible.
According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Schneider Institute for Health Policy at Brandeis University, as many as 70 percent of patients being treated for alcohol dependency are successful. This number dips to 60 percent for those in cocaine treatment, but increases to 80 percent for anybody attempting to beat an opiate addiction.
Those numbers show that most people who attempt to overcome an addiction are successful. This is even more so the case today, thanks to advanced medicine as well as rehab facilities that are geared towards helping anybody overcome their problem.
It is common for people to believe that once they are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol that there is no way to get their life back on track, but those who have been successful in the past realize that this is not true.
The first step to realizing that recovery is possible is to connect with a reputable rehab facility. This will give you the chance to see the program that has helped many before you improve their life and move on without an addiction.
Nobody ever said that substance abuse treatment and recovery is simple, but it is true that anybody with an addiction can be successful if they put their mind to it and receive the appropriate help along the way.