Dr. Juan Harris, MBA, MS, MCAP, CMHP, CGAC, CPP, CET, SAP, ICADC, CIP, Florida
Certification Board, is truly a man with a mission – a passionate desire to help people struggling
with behavioral health and addiction issues. He accomplishes that mission by helping Addiction
Treatment Centers and Behavioral Health Organizations obtain necessary accreditations, as well
as helping them to improve operationally and clinically.
Dr. Harris gained invaluable experience in his years working on the clinical side with single
patients and groups. He then worked his way up through every level of clinical and operational
administration and management, seeing first-hand how care was provided and managed.
Because of this experience at every level of care, Dr. Juan Harris provides a uniquely holistic and
realistic perspective on overall organizational administration and success. He leverages more
than 20 years’ experience in the Behavioral Health and Addiction Treatment industry. For most
of the last 15 years he has worked in executive leadership positions, responsible for daily
operations, strategic direction and overall clinical, medical, administrative operations,
Dr. Harris is specially qualified to help organizations plan for and achieve success. He offers
every client vast experience in accreditation and licensure, agency administration, program
development, organizational planning, quality assurance, fiscal management, performance-based
contracting, team building, community networking, problem solving, and budget development
and monitoring.
Dr. Harris has works currently with the Florida Certification Board as an approved provider and a recommended exam preparation professional.
Dr. Harris is Board Member of the Florida NAADAC
Florida School of Addiction Studies (past board member)
Faculty North Carolina School of Addition Studies (past member)