Drug and alcohol addiction has taken control of your life, causing destruction in your path. Do not let this disease take anymore from your life, turn to a drug and alcohol rehab program for help. As a MegnaCare member you can find comfort in knowing that you are covered for treatment, the help you need will cost little to nothing out of pocket.
We’ve Helped Thousands of Individuals Overcome Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Getting The Help You need with MegnaCare
MegnaCare works to ensure that members are all in good health by making it possible for them to get the care they need when they need it. Under members benefits for behavioral health and substance abuse services you can find out your coverage.
How Much Will Treatment Cost Me?
The amount that you will pay is determined by your MegnaCare plan’s deductible or copay. Typically inpatient treatment is covered up to 30 days, depending on the treatment plan and the severity of your addiction. Outpatient services are often covered up to 20 consecutive days. You may pay little to nothing out of pocket for the treatment you need to get well.
Finding The Right Treatment
You can find the right treatment with the help of MegnaCare. Their list of in-network providers contain government run, private, exclusive and even luxury facilities. It is your choice on what facility you go into, MegnaCare will help you get there.